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開催済み セミナー・研究成果報告会

特許庁委託 産業財産権研究推進事業
平成28年度招へい研究者 研究成果報告会の御案内



日 時

平成28年8月17日(水)15:00-17:00 (14:30受付開始)

会 場 一般財団法人知的財産研究教育財団 知的財産研究所 5階会議室 (地図
東京都千代田区神田錦町三丁目11番地 精興竹橋共同ビル5階
          東京メトロ東西線 竹橋駅(3b出口)より徒歩4分
          都営三田線 神保町駅(A9出口)より徒歩3分
参加費 無料
定 員 60名(先着順)
14:30 受付開始
15:00 開会・主催者挨拶
15:05~16:35 " A Comparative Study of US and Japanese Post-Grant Patent Opposition Systems "
『特許付与後異議申立制度に関する日米比較研究』 (仮訳)

Kelli Lee Larson (ケリー・リー・ラーソン)招へい研究者
16:35~17:00 質疑応答
17:00 閉会

申込方法 受付終了いたしました。
申込締切り 平成28年8月16日(火)
問合せ先 一般財団法人知的財産研究教育財団 知的財産研究所 金子(かねこ)
〒101-0054 東京都千代田区神田錦町三丁目11番地  精興竹橋共同ビル5階
Tel:03-5281-5672;   Fax:03-5281-5676;


“A Comparative Study of US and Japanese Post-Grant Patent Opposition Systems“
『特許付与後異議申立制度に関する日米比較研究』 (仮訳)

Kelli Lee Larson(ケリー・リー・ラーソン)招へい研究者


A key development that has recently occurred in patent harmonization efforts between the US and Japan has been the introduction of post-grant patent opposition systems. Generally, post-grant patent opposition systems create procedures for third parties to challenge the validity of patent claims without enduring significant time and expense spent in litigation, while also help to enhance the reliability of patents by reviewing potentially defective patents at an early stage thereby helping to stabilize patent rights, increase legal certainty, and promote innovation. The need for such post-grant patent opposition systems is largely based on patent quality concerns prevalent throughout the US and Japanese patent systems, as patent examiners face an increasing amount of patents to examine under restricted budget and time constraints. Such post-grant patent opposition systems are also increasingly important to understand in a globalized world where users of patent systems frequently conduct cross border business and patent transactions.

However, while the common objectives of the US and Japanese post-grant patent opposition systems are relatively the same, the design of the two systems differ. In the United States, through the enactment of the America Invents Act (AIA), the Inter Partes Review (IPR) procedure was introduced on September 16, 2012 allowing anyone to challenge the validity of patent claims based on patents and printed publications after a nine-month eligibility window. In Japan, the Patent Act 2014 Amendment re-introduced a post-grant patent opposition system which came into effect on April 1, 2015 allowing anyone to challenge a patent by writing their opposition within a six-month time period of the patent grant. Accordingly, this study conducts a comparative examination of the recently implemented US and Japanese post-grant patent oppositions systems, highlighting both the substantive and procedural similarities and differences, while critically examining the implications such post-grant patent opposition mechanisms may have for users of each respective patent system.

 【概要】 (仮訳)





