Researcher overseas/invited business(FY2020)

The following is a list of invited researchers and overseas researchers who conducted research in fiscal 2020 commissioned by the Japan Patent Office. In the column "Invited" is a researcher invited to our institute from a foreign country and "Overseas" is a researcher dispatched to a foreign research institute.

Classification Name/Affirication(at that time) Research Theme Report
Overseas Kengo ITAMOCHI
Associate Professor, Kobe University, Faculty of Law
[Foreign Institute: University of Oxford, UK]
Comparison Between Personal Property and Intellectual Property Report( 1,273KB)
Overseas Yoichi OKADA
Associate Professor, Meiji University, Faculty of Law
[Foreign Institute: Institute for German and Foreign Civil Procedural Law, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany]
Procedural Approach on Incontestability Clause Report( 913KB)

Foundation for Intellectual Property

The Association of Intellectual Property Education

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