Researcher overseas/invited business(FY2006)

The following is a list of invited researchers, research fellows and dispatched researchers who conducted research in fiscal 2006 commissioned by the Japan Patent Office. In the column "Invited" is a researcher invited to our institute from a foreign country, "Overseas" is a researcher dispatched to a foreign research institute, and "Fellow" is a researcher engaged in research at our institute.

Classification Name/Affirication (at that time) Research Theme Report
Invited Kamal PURI
Professor of Law, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Accessing Genetic Resources by Japanese Private Industry under the Convention on Biological Diversity Regime with Particular Reference to Australia summary 
Invited Frank GOTZEN
Director, Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (CIR), Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
The industrial property right protection of the producer of a database-Some reflections on the future of European and Japanese protection schemes- summary 
Invited Ilanah SIMON
Lecturer in Law, Brunel University, London, UK
The Functions of Trade Marks and their Role in Parallel Importation Cases-What Can the EU and Japan Learn from Each Other’s Experiences?- summary 
Invited KOO, Dae Hwan
Professor of Law and Technology, College of Law, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Effective Protection of DNA Sequences and Gene Innovations summary 
Invited Mingde LI
Professor, Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Deputy Director, Intellectual Property Center, China
Well-Known Trademark Protection: A Comparative Study between Japan and China summary 
Invited Jumpol PINYOSINWAT
Presiding Judge, the Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court, Bangkok, Thailand
A Model of Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement for Developing Countries summary 
Overseas Tetsuo WADA
Professor, Gakushuin University Faculty of Economics
[Foreign Institute: University of California, Berkeley, US]
Bounded Rationality and Related Concepts Fundamental to Intellectual Property Analysis summary 
Overseas Masami ASHIDATE
Associate Professor, Tohoku University Graduate School of Law
[Foreign Institute: Institut for Information Law, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands]
The Scope of Rights and the Functions of Trademarks Under the European Trademark System summary 
Overseas Akiko SONODA
Research Fellow, Graduate School of Humanities, Kyushu University
[Foreign Institute: Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, UK]
Historical Overview of Formation of International Copyright Agreements in the Process of Development of International Copyright Law from the 1830s to 1960s summary 
Fellow Yuka AOYAGI
Research Fellow, Institute of Intellectual Property
Free Movement Rules and Competition Law: Regulating the Restriction on Parallel Importation of Trade Marked Goods summary 
Fellow Ryushi ITO
Research Fellow, Institute of Intellectual Property
Relationship Between Intellectual Property Right Enforcement in the Technology Standardization Process and Competition Policy summary 
Fellow Tomoyuki SHIMBO
Research Fellow, Institute of Intellectual Property
The Choice of Forms in Licensing Agreements: Case Study of the Petrochemical Industry summary 
Fellow Kyoko TAKADA
Research Fellow, Institute of Intellectual Property
Necessity of Giving Special Consideration to Research at Universities, etc. in the Patent Law System summary 
Fellow Akihiko NAKAGAWA
Research Fellow, Institute of Intellectual Property
Generic Drug Entry and Coordination among Legal Systems : Drug Regulation, Intellectual Property Law, and Antitrust Policy summary 
Fellow Momoko NISHIMURA
Research Fellow, Institute of Intellectual Property
Analysis of the Political Processes for the Formation of the TRIPs Agreement-With the Focus on the Pharmaceutical Industry and the Computer Industry in Japan, Europe, and the United States- summary 

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