Researcher overseas/invited business(FY2013)

The following is a list of invited researchers, research fellows and dispatched researchers who conducted research in fiscal 2013 commissioned by Japan the Patent Office. In the column "Invited" is a researcher invited to our institute from a foreign country, "Overseas" is a researcher dispatched to a foreign research institute, and "Fellow" is a researcher engaged in research at our institute.

classification Name/Affirication (at that time) Research Theme Report
Invited Carol Mullins HAYES
Research Associate, University of Illinois College of Law, US
Commitments to License on Fair, Reasonable, and Nondiscriminatory Terms: Comparing the Japanese Approach to Technology Standards with Emerging Trends around the World summary 
Invited Petr KOSIK
Judge, District Court in Usit nad Labem, Czech Republic
The Positive Impact of Intellectual Property Harmonization on Diversity of National Regulations of International Private Law summary 
Invited Ramesh Bikram KARKY
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Bioinformatics Materials and Issue of Patentability summary 
Overseas Takeshi MAEDA
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Law, Kobe University
[Foreign Institute: Stanford University Law School, US]
An Empirical Study of Inventive Step in Japanese IP High Court Cases and Reconstruction of Its Test from a Functional View summary 
Overseas Momoko NISHIMURA
Post-doctoral Researcher, Department of Advanced Social and International Studies, University of Tokyo
[Foreign Institute: University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), UK]
FTA Policy-Making in the EU and Its Effects : Policies toward Intellectual Properties summary 
Fellow Yuko KUSAMA
Research Fellow, Institute of Intellectual Property
Reconsidering International Jurisdiction in Intellectual Property Rights Litigation - Ensuring Predictability Under New Interpretations of Judicial Precedents - summary 
Fellow Ikumi SATO
Research Fellow, Institute of Intellectual Property
A Study of the Handling of Intellectual Property Licenses in International Insolvency Proceedings summary 
Fellow Miyuki TANIGUCHI
Research Fellow, Institute of Intellectual Property
A Quantitative Analysis of the Economic Effects of Patents on Industry: The Case of Japanese Automobile Industry summary 
Fellow Satoshi TSURUOKA
Research Fellow, Institute of Intellectual Property
Industrial Property Rights and Treaty Revisions in Modern Japan - Diplomacy and Domestic Affairs - summary 
Fellow Ayano FUJIWARA
Research Fellow, Institute of Intellectual Property
IP System and Corporate R&D Activities - Empirical Analysis of the Effect of Worker Mobility on Innovation - summary 
Fellow Atsuko YAMAGUCHI
Research Fellow, Institute of Intellectual Property
Laws Applicable to Transfer and Licensing Contracts of Industrial Property Rights summary 

Foundation for Intellectual Property

The Association of Intellectual Property Education

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