IIP HOMEIIPの活動について開催済み セミナー・研究成果報告会> 平成28年度招へい研究者 研究成果報告会

開催済み セミナー・研究成果報告会

特許庁委託 産業財産権研究推進事業
平成28年度招へい研究者 研究成果報告会の御案内


日 時 平成29年2月8日(水)15:00-17:00
(14:30受付開始・開場 これ以前には入場できない場合があります。)
会 場 一般財団法人知的財産研究教育財団 知的財産研究所 5階会議室 (地図
東京都千代田区神田錦町三丁目11番地 精興竹橋共同ビル 5階
          東京メトロ東西線 竹橋駅(3b出口)より徒歩4分
          都営三田線 神保町駅(A9出口)より徒歩3分
参加費 無料
定 員 50名 (先着順)  
14:30 受付開始
15:00 開会・主催者挨拶
15:05-16:35 " International exhaustion of patent rights and parallel imports: A comparative study between India and Japan "
『特許権の国際消尽と並行輸入:インドと日本の比較研究』 (仮訳)

Dhanpat Ram Agarwal (ダンパット・ラム・アガルワル)招へい研究者
16:35-17:00 質疑応答
17:00 閉会





一般財団法人知的財産研究教育財団 知的財産研究所 金子(かねこ)
〒101-0054 東京都千代田区神田錦町三丁目11番地 精興竹橋共同ビル5階
Tel:03-5281-5674;   Fax:03-5281-5676;


“ International exhaustion of patent rights and parallel imports: A comparative study between India and Japan “
『特許権の国際消尽と並行輸入:インドと日本の比較研究』 (仮訳)

Dhanpat Ram Agarwal (ダンパット・ラム・アガルワル)招へい研究者


The principle of exhaustion establishes that the rights of the intellectual property holder with respect to the property stand exhausted when the property is legally sold in the market. It exists in terms of regional, national and international exhaustion. The scope of the research paper is limited to the principle of international exhaustion. Furthermore, international exhaustion can be with respect to several intellectual property rights but the present research paper deals in respect to the right of patents.

India recognizes the principle of international exhaustion under section 107-A(b) of the Indian Patents Act, 1970 where the scenario stands friendly to the principle of parallel import unlike United States which follow the principle of national exhaustion and EU which follows regional exhaustion. Japan does not exhibit any proper legislative framework; however, the Supreme Court and the subordinate courts have interpreted and decided several issues pertaining to the doctrine of international exhaustion and parallel import but there is no consensus in their approach.

Article 6 of the TRIPS Agreement allows member countries in the WTO to follow their own rules on exhaustion and no reference can be made to the Dispute Settlement Body in this respect but there is growing need for harmonization in law for legitimate free movement of goods and services without division of markets.

The research paper addresses the basic ambiguities in the laws of parallel import in India and Japan. The researcher concludes with the remark that the role of judiciary in both the countries is of substantial importance. While in India, the judges while interpreting section 107-A (b) need to give paramount consideration to the right of the patentee; in Japan owing to the uncertainty of the term ‘implied license’, the courts have wider role to play to balance out the interests between parallel imports and intellectual property rights.

【概要】 (仮訳)







