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開催済み セミナー・研究成果報告会

特許庁委託 産業財産権研究推進事業
平成29年度招へい研究者 研究成果報告会


日 時 平成29年11月15日(水)13:30-15:30
(13:00受付開始・開場 これ以前には入場できない場合があります。)
会 場 一般財団法人知的財産研究教育財団 知的財産研究所 5階会議室 (地図
東京都千代田区神田錦町三丁目11番地 精興竹橋共同ビル 5階
          東京メトロ東西線 竹橋駅(3b出口)より徒歩5分
          東京メトロ東西線 竹橋駅(1b出口)より徒歩4分
          都営三田線 神保町駅(A9出口)より徒歩3分
参加費 無料
定 員 60名 (先着順)  
13:00 受付開始
13:30 開会・主催者挨拶
13:35-15:05 "Protection of Computer Software and its Impact on Software Industry in Japan and India: Empirical and Comparative Study"
『コンピュータソフトウェアの保護とそれによる日本及びインドのソフトウェア産業に対する影響 : 実証及び比較研究』 (仮訳)

Ravindra Chingale (ラヴィンドラ・チンガレ)招へい研究者
15:05-15:30 質疑応答
15:30 閉会


“ Protection of Computer Software and its Impact on Software Industry in Japan and India: Empirical and Comparative Study “
『コンピュータソフトウェアの保護とそれによる日本及びインドのソフトウェア産業に対する影響 : 実証及び比較研究』 (仮訳)

Ravindra Chingale (ラヴィンドラ・チンガレ)招へい研究者


In 2013, Indian Patent Office came up with guidelines for computer related inventions. Although there were some steps mentioned in the manual of patent office practice and procedure, this is the first time that the IPO specifically drafted guideline for such inventions. The second set of guidelines was published in 2015. Further, it has undergone rounds of discussion till it was finalized in the month of February 2016. However, the same was criticized. On June, 30, 2017 the Patent Office of India streamlined and modified the earlier guidelines and published on its website. Japan Patent Office also has guidelines to examine patent applications for computer software related invention. It is seen that various patent offices in different countries have their own examination guidelines. These guidelines are important not only for the patent examiner but also for patent attorneys and software engineers (developers). However, it is observed that there is no uniformity in the guidelines and method of examination in various countries. Thus, these differences in approaches and opinions inter alia affect protection of software or computer related inventions, which ultimately affect the software industry. Considering the abstract and fast changing nature of software, it is important to have uniform method for examination. The jurisprudence of software patent is constantly evolving. In USA after the Alice Case (2014) US Federal Circuit gave significant decision in McRo case (September 2016) which elaborated the concept of patentability of Software patent. After the decision, the response from industry was much positive so as to provide greater stability to US patent system and its digital economy. Software industry in Japan and India has huge potential and they are contributing significantly in their economy. Thus it is important to study impact of protection of Computer Software on Software Industry in Japan and India in terms of software engineers, patent examiners and patent attorneys etc. so as to come up with harmonize solution to determine uniform criteria for patentability of software related invention.

【概要】 (仮訳)



インド、ビディアピース大学法学修士、国立法大学デリー PhD(法学)、現在、弁護士、インド最高裁判所Advocate




