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開催済み セミナー・研究成果報告会

特許庁委託 産業財産権研究推進事業
平成29年度招へい研究者 研究成果報告会


日 時 平成30年1月24日(水)15:00-17:00 
(14:30受付開始・開場 これ以前には入場できない場合があります。)
会 場 一般財団法人知的財産研究教育財団 知的財産研究所 5階会議室 (地図
東京都千代田区神田錦町三丁目11番地 精興竹橋共同ビル 5階
          東京メトロ東西線 竹橋駅(3b出口)より徒歩5分
          東京メトロ東西線 竹橋駅(1b出口)より徒歩4分
          都営三田線 神保町駅(A9出口)より徒歩3分
参加費 無料
定 員 60名 (先着順)  
14:30 受付開始
15:00 開会・主催者挨拶
15:05-16:35 "Challenges in the path to harmonization of patent damages calculation: key issues in a comparative approach"
『特許の損害賠償額の算定方法の調和に向けた課題:比較手法による主要課題 (仮訳)』

Tatiana Machado Alves (タチアナ・マチャド・アルベス)招へい研究者
16:35-17:00 質疑応答
17:00 閉会


“ Challenges in the path to harmonization of patent damages calculation: key issues in a comparative approach “
『特許の損害賠償額の算定方法の調和に向けた課題:比較手法による主要課題 (仮訳)』

Tatiana Machado Alves (タチアナ・マチャド・アルベス)招へい研究者


One of the elements that indicate the strength of a country’s intellectual property system is its aptitude to adequately compensate damages caused by patent infringement. Patents are known for having a dual – and seemingly contradictory – purpose: they must award enough incentives to promote innovation without hampering fair competition and the development of new technologies. This delicate balance requires an adequate and proportional system of remedies that can properly address violations of a patent right and discourage future infringement. The deterring effect, albeit controversial within the general framework of tort law, is a reality to patent law. As increasing limitations are imposed on the possibilities of obtaining injunctive relief in patent infringement disputes, the importance of an effective damage system grows. In this context, the proposed research investigated the issues that represent a challenge to the efforts of harmonization of IPR systems in terms of patent damages. To this purpose, we performed a comparative analysis of theory and practice in Japan, the United States, England, Germany, and Brazil, focusing on the treatment given to the issues of enhanced damages, patent damage apportionment, and damages for indirect infringement. Based on our research, we presented our view on possible ways to deal with these topics to attempt to close the gap between the referred jurisdictions without undermining national particularities.

【概要】 (仮訳)








