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開催済み セミナー・研究成果報告会

特許庁委託 産業財産権制度調和に係る共同研究調査事業
平成29年度招へい研究者 研究成果報告会


日 時 平成30年2月15日(木)15:00-17:00 
(14:30受付開始・開場 これ以前には入場できない場合があります。)
会 場 一般財団法人知的財産研究教育財団 知的財産研究所 5階会議室 (地図
東京都千代田区神田錦町三丁目11番地 精興竹橋共同ビル 5階
          東京メトロ東西線 竹橋駅(3b出口)より徒歩5分
          東京メトロ東西線 竹橋駅(1b出口)より徒歩4分
          都営三田線 神保町駅(A9出口)より徒歩3分
参加費 無料
定 員 60名 (先着順)  
14:30 受付開始
15:00 開会・主催者挨拶
15:05-16:35 "Patentability of AI-generated inventions – is a reform of the patent system needed?"
『AIにより生成された発明の特許性-特許制度改革の必要性 (仮訳)』

Ana Ramalho (アナ・ラマルホ)招へい研究者
16:35-17:00 質疑応答
17:00 閉会


“ Patentability of AI-generated inventions – is a reform of the patent system needed? “
『AIにより生成された発明の特許性 -特許制度改革の必要性 (仮訳)』

Ana Ramalho (アナ・ラマルホ)招へい研究者


As technology advances, artificial intelligence (AI)-generated inventions – i.e., inventions created by computer systems independently of a human controller– are deemed to becoming more common. The human ingenuity in such inventions is less visible, while at the same time the inventing activity becomes easier, as most of the mental effort is passed on to the AI. However, this scenario makes it harder to assess whether the invention possesses an “inventive step” – a condition for patentability that requires the invention to be non-obvious to a skilled person. Indeed, a given AI-generated invention might be non-obvious to a skilled person; but it will probably be obvious to a person that has access to a similar AI. The main aim of this research is to assess whether patent laws are fit for purpose with regard to the patentability of AI-generated inventions, in particular in what concerns the inventive step requirement. With that objective, the research carries out a comparative analysis of the inventive step (or non-obviousness) requirement in relation to AI-generated inventions in Japan, the European Union and the United States. The research will conclude with recommendations towards an international harmonization of the interpretation of, and practices related to, the inventive step requirement in the field of AI-generated inventions.

【概要】 (仮訳)







