特許庁委託 産業財産権制度調和に係る共同研究調査事業
2019年度招へい研究者 研究成果報告会



日 時 2020年2月12日(水)14:00-15:45 (13:30受付開始)
題 目 “Patenting algorithms in an Internet of Things (‘IoT’) and Artificial Intelligence (‘AI’) world: Pathways to harmonizing the patentable subject matters and evaluation of the novelty requirement”
Sabine JACQUES (サビーン・ジャーキ) 招へい研究者
報告者 Sabine JACQUES (サビーン・ジャーキ) 招へい研究者
会 場 TKPガーデンシティ御茶ノ水 カンファレンスルーム2C
定 員 60名(先着順)
参加費 無料


13:30 受付開始
14:00 開会・主催者挨拶
14:05-15:25 “Patenting algorithms in an Internet of Things (‘IoT’) and Artificial Intelligence (‘AI’) world: Pathways to harmonizing the patentable subject matters and evaluation of the novelty requirement”
15:25 質疑応答
15:45 閉会


Constituting a disruptive technology, Artificial Intelligence (‘AI’) is likely to impact all industries. However, there are rising concerns that the patent system may not be fit for the future of innovation that is increasingly AI-related and intangible. Indeed, the execution of AI-related inventions requires some kind of computer implementation, thereby potentially reviving patentability issues related to computer-implemented inventions. Whilst patent offices around the world have found ways to adapt their patent system to grant protection to software, difficulties remain in relation to algorithm-based inventions although forming a significant part of today’s innovation. Currently, algorithms themselves do not qualify as a patentable invention. Even if algorithms would overcome this first hurdle, concerns arise in relation to the application of patentability requirements such as novelty where national differences remain. This research evaluates the adequacy of the novelty requirement in relation to AI-inventions where many of the underlying concepts and technologies are not novel. The ultimate aim is to evaluate the adequacy of the patent system by looking at inventions that utilize AI and with a particular focus on the excluded subject matters and the novelty requirement. To this end, the research adopts a comparative analysis of these concepts in Japan, Europe (EPC) and the United States.


Sabine JACQUES (サビーン・ジャーキ)氏

ベルギー・リエージュ出身。リエージュ大学法学部で学士及び修士、オランダMaastrichit大学で上級修士、英国Nottingham大学で博士(知的財産法)の学位取得。2016年から英国East Anglia大学で知的財産、情報工学及びメディア法の准教授を務める。

