特許庁委託 産業財産権制度調和に係る共同研究調査事業
2023年度招へい研究者 研究成果報告会



日 時 2023年9月13日(水)9:10-10:45
題 目 “Comparative Study on Post-filing Data and Stability of Patent Rights in Pharmaceutical Field”
報告者 HAN, Weiwei(ハン・ウェイウェイ) 招へい研究者
会 場 Zoomによるオンライン報告会
定 員 60名(先着順)
参加費 無料


9:10 開会・主催者挨拶
9:15-10:25 “Comparative Study on Post-filing Data and Stability of Patent Rights in Pharmaceutical Field”
10:25-10:45 質疑応答
10:45 閉会


Stable and robust patent protection is critical for enterprises and investors, especially in pharmaceutical industry. In pharmaceutical patents, experimental data is of great importance for the legality, validity or enforceability of a patent right. In practice, due to diverse reasons and scenarios, it may be necessary for a patent applicant or a patentee to provide post-filing data to fulfill the requirements for patentability. The examination and acceptability of post-filing data are diverse in different jurisdictions. In civil law countries, there are normally specific rules in guidelines for examination on acceptance of such data, like in Japan and China. In common law countries, for instance, in the US, multiple factors would be considered when evaluating whether data as such are acceptable. This study will compare the acceptability of post-filing data in major jurisdictions, including US, Europe, Japan and China. In the meantime, the relationship between post-filing data and stability of patent rights will be analyzed. It is envisioned that reasonable acceptance of post-filing data would enhance patent protection, facilitate patent enforcement, and promote innovation.


HAN, Weiwei(ハン・ウェイウェイ)氏

華東政法大学 Ph.D.




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